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Lagos Nigeria: As part of its social and corporate responsibility to stakeholders and the general public, BonnyLight Energy (a subsidiary of Oriental Capital and Asset Management), a wholly indigenous petroleum downstream company, has contributed to the project of building an ultra-modern accommodation facility worth N10,000,000.00 (Ten million naira) for corps members in Delta State.

The project entails the renovation, restructuring and expansion of the old, dilapidated building in Ute-Okpu Grammar School, Ute-Okpu in Delta State, to a five-bedroom flat of three toilets, a single kitchen, a common room with the capacity to host about 6-10 corps members.

The organisation joined other like-minded corporates and individuals, including banks, Oil and Gas companies, building professionals, Ute-Okpu Grammar School Old Student Association, and other individuals to bridge the housing challenge for corps members charged with the responsibility of teaching students in the community.

Speaking during the official handover of the facility, the Vice Chairman of BonnyLight Energy and Offshore Limited, Mr Toyin Banjo, stated that BonnyLight Energy is delighted to have partnered with leading organisations towards impacting lives and providing basic amenities for the furtherance of the social, educational, and economic growth of its host communities.

“We believe that there is no greater investment for human development and advancement than education, hence our commitment to learning and capacity building as a core driver of our CSR initiatives. With the provision of this facility, we are optimistic that the corps members would be more productive as they build the younger generation in the Ute-Okpu community”, Mr Banjo said.

“We will continue to intervene in the health, wellbeing, education of the populace and eradication of poverty through infrastructure development, skill acquisition, facilitation of trade amongst others. We are committed to providing resources to various vulnerable communities to enable the nation raise healthy, educated and skilled leaders in our society”, he added.

Mr Toyin Banjo, while promising to replicate similar gestures in other communities where BonnyLight Energy have its facilities, he also pledged the organisation’s commitment to product supply security in the state and the country as a whole.

Established in 2016, BonnyLight Energy and Offshore Limited is an emerging indigenous player in the premium petroleum products (including Liquefied Petroleum Gas – LPG and lubricants) storage, marketing, and distributions in Nigeria. The firm also services the upstream sector through Oil Bunkering, Bulk Supplies, Lube Oil and Freshwater supplies, EPC (Engineering design procurements and construction) and ancillary services. BonnyLight also possesses the capability to effectively manage the distribution and supply of LPG, AGO and PMS to industries.

About BonnyLight Energy

BonnyLight Energy and Offshore Limited is a leading firm in the exploration, production, pipeline transportation, strategic storage, and marketing of petroleum products in Nigeria.

Over the years, the company has built expertise in the upstream, downstream, and midstream sectors of the oil and gas industry in Nigeria, trading in both crude and refined petroleum products, which include Motor Fuels (Gasoline), Industrial Oils (AGO/Gasoil, Baseoil LPG) Aviation Fuels (ATK), Lubricants and various other specialist oils (Bitumen).

As a leading integrated Nigerian oil and gas Marketing, Trading, Storage, Exploration and production company, BonnyLight Energy augments a wide range of energy needs in the upstream, midstream, and downstream oil Industry.


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