+234(0)90 41111042, +234(0)90 41111044 info@orientalcapitalng.com

Logistics & Supply Chain

Bluesworth Resources

We have a mission to help businesses smoothen the process of moving goods from one location to the other with relative ease.

Logistics & Supply Chain

Bluesworth Resources

We have a mission to help businesses smoothen the process of moving goods from one location to the other with relative ease.

About Us & What We Do

Bluesworth Resources

Logistics and Supply Chain management form the fulcrum of many businesses today.

Effective management of the logistics and supply chain quotient of any business goes a long way in determining its profitability or otherwise.

Handling of such a vital aspect of your business should therefore not be left in the
hands of non-professionals.

Bluesworth Resources is the Logistics and Supply Chain arm of Oriental Capital Group with a mission to help businesses smoothen the process of moving goods from one location to the other with relative ease.

With our deep understanding of local and international logistics landscape and our high-spirited team of shipping and logistics experts, supply chain management just got a lot easier and faster.

At Bluesworth, our services are delivered in the most efficient manner through:

End-to-End Importation Service
  • To resolve the myriad of challenges involved in the importation and distribution network in Nigeria, Bluesworth provides end-to-end service – a complete importation cycle from pre-inspection formalities to the placement of orders until delivery (through airfreight, sea freight and rail) of goods to the final destination. 
Storage and Distribution

Having successfully delivered your goods in the country, we also offer storage facilities at some strategic locations in the country.

Our warehouse facilities can accommodate just about any form of goods which also go alongside with a well-coordinated distribution system.


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